All subjects must complete the following forms for recruitment intake and assessment. Upon application, you agree that your choice is finalised, and that your allegiance is sworn to the Technocracy of Auxo permanently through technological embracement. Leaving is not an option.
Research & Development
Data Analyst personnel
Our Research & Development teams wants you! Our Research & Development team is one of the finest and most daring research organisations in Sirius, being able to freely explore subjects of mysterious untold fascinations of the sector without restraint, the teams works together in collaboration with departments all over Sirius to find the answers that others cannot. The Research & Development department has the image of the Technocracy's pride, permitting for a trainee program for those interested in gaining qualifications and experience in the sciences, helping raise a new generation of bright minds. Previous professional experience in the industry is not required as training is available but all applicants must show initiation. Unleash your learning potential today!
Expeditionary Scouts setting out to find new worlds
Not quite your pace? Wanting to seek the thrill of adventure? The Expeditionary Forces has you covered. The Expeditionary Forces is a subsidiary department under the Research & Development department, working closely with the Military Force and the Science team to pinpoint locations of interest, such as anomalies, routes and providing cartographic data. High energy, high speed, the Expeditionary Forces provide a lot of opportunities for new coming pilots to refine their adrenaline into results that help direct the Technocracy!
Civil Administration
Confident? Love talking? Good with people? Love organisation and solving problems? Then the Civil Administration may be for you. The duties of civil servant varies from sector to sector, to brokering trade deals, to managing our very own Logistic Fleet, resolving diplomatic conflicts to sectorial administration to being a clerk, the daily job of being within the Administration is what makes the Technocracy tick. The Civil Service is responsible for oversight of the Logistics Department, and the maintenance of the Technocratic Interstellar Regulations, taking pride in their ability to uphold stability, ensuring all drones and personnel are operating at optimal conditions.
Military Arm
A Transhuman Augmentation Force Heavy Soldier
Strong. Daring. Brave. The Military Arm is the sword and shield of the Technocracy, immortalized by their enduring various tasks and maintaining responsibilities with an iron fist. Their goals include the capturing of dangerous and exotic alien goods, the upstanding impenetrable security of Technocratic lands, protection of allies, resources, prisons and cities. The Military Arm does not prejudice in their recruitment pool, allowing anyone from any background to serve after passing background checks. The higher the rank, the higher the privileges, particularly for those who sacrifice and qualify for the Transhuman Augmentation Forces that supplement the upper elite ranks of the Military Forces, competition for the spot and show of competency is fierce but not unlimited. The Military Arm focuses on training individuals to be prepared to work as a team to ultimately achieve their goals however they can. Adapt. Evolve. Survive. Destroy those who dare to oppose the progression of science!
The most notable branches within the Military Arm include:
Transhuman Augmentation Forces - A force entirely composed of highly augmented, experienced and modified individuals, the ultimate synthesis of flesh and machine. They are the most loyal, to their last blood and bolt, and most trusted branch to preserve the Technocracy, rewarded with the finest luxuries for their elite services. They oversee and assist the Military Arm, sometimes required to step in to override officers. The TAF is usually seen around areas of high importance, primarily in core Technocratic space, deployment of these soldiers is rare, expensive and brutal. In extinction level events, the TAF command elements are permitted emergency powers to subsume authority assuming all Technocratic Officials are incapacitated.
Civil Security Service - Also known as the Technocratic Security Force, is the main policing body for the Technocracy. Most individuals seeking to join the Military Arm will often be directed to the CSS for various training and preparation, providing much needed experience in handling the civilian populace, allowing individuals to be more cautious of their sentencing in the field. The duties of CSS include both planetside and space bound obligations; including escorting work, patrol work, prisoner transportation, guard duties, internal security.
Reclamation Corps - The riskiest but the most rewarding branch of the Military Arm, the Reclamation Corps focuses on seizing Alien materials to return to the rightful ownership of the Technocracy from nefarious individuals and corrupt organisations. The RC plays an important role of securing scientific and strategic resources, such as Azurite Gas, for the Research & Development department to study, thus helping the Technocracy discover new technologies. To be a part of the Corps, one must think fast on the spot, and move fast as to avoid hostile forces, without these cunning witts, many individuals will often find themselves in a cell, or a fate far worse than death. In a rare event, the RC may be tasked with reclaiming or clean up of Technocracy personnel in collaboration with the Expeditionary Forces to locate them.