Cait smiles as she sees the Coordinated Chaos of the Hangar and Closes Her Eyes for a few moments and Listens to the Sounds of the Ship, the Akhetaten wasn't so easy to understand as the Velvet where. but it was good enough so she Could hear that Chris was a Good and Caring Capitan. "you are a lucky ship" she whispers to the ship. Steph sees Chris Raise an Eyebrow on the uninjured side of his Face "dont worry this is some kind of Junker Voodoo it's actually pretty impressive, she can Notice a damaged Coil in the Engine Rome while she is On the Bridge". Cait didn't notice Steph's Talking as she heard a Respons whispered to her from deep within the ship where she thinks the engine Room must be. she then opens her eyes and walks towards the both as she sees Stephanie and Chirs she knows what happened. "did she called it Junker Voodoo Again you know I dont like it when you do thatt," she gives Steph a loving nudge in the ribs. " and yes I would love to have a tour through your ship if this isn't Restricted by Navy Protocols or so." She Smiled at him. from what she Felt trough her connection with the Akhetaten she could say That Chris is a good man, she was looking forward to getting to know him better. a ship even though she never was on board could tell her a lot about her Capitan and the people on board. even trough most see them just as machines they have a soul, especially the older ones like the Velvet or the Akhetaten.