"Let's be honest, Caitlyn, the bridge of the Akhetaten isn't -always- as serious looking as now. We do make our jokes and laugh it out from time to time. But the thing I admire in my current crew is the trust I have towards them and the trust they have towards me too. I know that when the situation will require it everyone will stick to his position and remain concentrated. The people you see here were all informed that you two will be coming aboard the ship. I took care that your experience aboard the Akhetaten is an unforgettable one by organizing everything just perfect." Chris then notices that Caitlyn seems to want to sit on his chair, which he immediately grants her permission to do with a simple nod. It's nothing special as Chris never was a man willing to show wealth or even show his crew members that he is "above" them. It's a simple, worn-out leather chair.
He takes a step back as he sees Caitlyn on that chair, he feels weird all of a sudden. He takes hold of a metal bar near him with one of his arms as if his legs aren't enough support for him anymore, his breathing has become heavy. Marcus rushes to catch Chris. "God damnit Chris, what happened? Are you alright? Chris..?" The Captain took a while to respond as he momentarily passed out on the spot, but he snaps back out of it and nods to Marcus, signaling he is alright. He takes a few moments to get back on his feet as he watches Caitlyn sit in the Captain's chair. "How can the two of them look so alike..? Her bodytype... her red hair... her demeanor.. they perfectly match Caitlyn... How...can it be?" Christopher thinks as he slowly regains full consciousness. He returns to the girls, they probably didn't notice his little blackout, or so he thought. "Do you like it, Caitlyn? It's the same chair -she- used to sit in. I know it does look a little... old and torn out, but I can't replace it." Caitlyn's reaction to his question was enough for Chris to know she didn't only like sitting there, but she loved it. He felt happy that Caitlyn had this sort of connection when sitting in the chair, though he doesn't know what was it that made him happy exactly, he seems to be overthinking things and imagining Felicia back in her place.
He notices Caitlyn get back up, and his eyes snap on the empty holster on her hip for a while, something he only noticed now. He doesn't comment anything about it, but he can tell by seeing it that Cait may like weapons, so he knows where he will take her next. "Follow me, ladies. Please be careful, however, the hallways leading to our destination are a lot narrower than what you'd expect. Mind you don't hit your heads anywhere! The last thing I want is to spend the rest of our wonderful date on the medical bay!" Christopher pauses for a second, and replays what he just said in his head, while scratching his ear. "Ahh.. I don't know how that slipped out, I meant to say meeting! Yes.. of course! Meeting!!" He says while laughing nervously, and continues walking.
He takes the girls through a series of complex and very narrow hallways, some of them filled with buttons and levers which the girls pay close attention not to mistakenly press or flick. The girls feel like they are crawling through a maze. I've walked through this hallways countless times in my life. The first few months I'd get lost in here and take several extra minutes to find the correct way. But trust me, after 13 years of being aboard that ship even you would know exactly which hallway leads where! And here we are." Christopher says as they enter a compartment, still part of the hallway, but a lot wider so as to fit a reinforced fingerprint-locked large and bulky metal door.
The Captain unlocks the blast door and steam exits the room. The atmosphere inside the room is almost like that of a horror film, but just a few seconds after the built-up steam exits the room visibility is back to normal and the girls can see inside the room. Christopher has already taken a step inside, through the metal door. "Hey, don't be scared, we're still in the Akhetaten, she doesn't bite! Come on in, you'll like this."
Torpedo Bay, Battleship Akhetaten
The two girls get inside with Chris. The space in this room is very limited, but there is a small ladder leading to a second floor which Christopher takes, nodding to the girls to follow. The two of them climb the ladder. What they see on the room they just entered is beyond every imagination they could ever have. To their left, right, above them and everywhere in the room there's torpedoes. Lot's of different sizes, with each of them having things written on them with markers, the girls can only assume that they are notes by technicians that have looked after them. "What you're seeing here is the ship's old Torpedo Bay. The Akhetaten no longer uses torpedoes in it's arsenal as they are quite dangerous to employ, but I decided to keep the torpedoes the Akhetaten already had on board, as well as the weapon systems required to fire them, should I ever need to retrofit the Akhetaten with them again. What you're seeing in here are very old torpedoes used by the Navy back in the day. There's a variety of both guided and unguided torpedoes here, And there are even a few passive acoustic signature homing "Mark 27" torpedoes, cutting edge technology for their time. The ship also used to have nuclear warhead designated "Mark 45" anti-battleship torpedoes, should the need arise for them to be used, they were of course removed from the ship during her first days of her repairs due to the dangers their use employs." Christopher pauses for a moment and looks at the girls' confused faces. "Oh my.. look at you two. You should've told me stop if you are overwhelmed with information! I could go on talking about this for hours. I'll give you a moment to suck all that information up and snap back to reality after this dream-come-true." He smiles at the two girls and admires the view of the old torpedoes resting in the bay.