Staying in the background while waiting for the man to unwrap the ship both Cortana and Verac were not sure what reaction to expect from the Junker. While Cortana was fully focused on the Junker, Verac took the chance to take a look at their surroundings. What he noticed worried him a bit as it seemed that the station is in a bit of a rough state with all the rusty walls surrounding them. Wondering why there was no formal greeting she was kinda surprised by the questions of the junker. While walking towards the Junker, Cortana started to speak in a slighty annoyed voice. "Well, first of all I'm Cortana and this is my chief Engineer Verac who works for me for quite sometime now. What us brings here? Well, Junkers are known for their good work on ships and you are more or less the only people who are willing to work with people like us. You will see what we brought to you once you finished the unwrapping."
Shortly after the Junker was able to tier the wrapping down and revealed was a standart class Wraith of the Rheindland Military. The excietment was fairly holding back as the condition of its hull was not really good. Some panels were missing and there were quite a lot of holes in it. As soon as the Junker was finished with the unwrapping and took a look at the Ship Verac stepped up. "Well, as you can asume this ship had a pretty rough time before we got our hands on it. In my opinion the hull needs to be exchanged but Cortana wanted to leave that up to you." Cortana noded. "I trust them enough to make a good job. They never let us down and I don't think they will do it now Verac. Anyway as I said in the communication, I will take care of the electronical stuff, Verac will take care of the engine and for you guys the number one priority would be the hull. If this is still okay of course... The first part would be to remove the hull as we have to gain access to the powercore and all the wires as this has to be exchanged."
Meanwhile, Verac was in a obvious hurry. When Cortana talked he grabbed his tool box and started to remove all the hull parts around the engine. He started to even remove some parts of the engine itself in a speed that even Cortana would not have expected and she was clearly confused by it.