Well, that seems like a good idea. We usualy don't sleep much, but I think it would be better while we wait that you dismantle the rest of the hull. If I'm honest we prefer to work with pen and paper since it is harder to steal such informations. Well, Rob I will leave to get a bit of sleep.
Verac dosen't seem to show much emotions while he walks towards the elevator and mumbles something.
I hope that they will have dismantled the hull by tomorrow so we can start with with all the wires and the engine.
Meanwhile Cortana is still drawing on the schematics. As she gets more and more tierd she starts to lose her focus and starts to speak with herself.
I need to get this done... Why was so stupid to replace all the wiring... Mainboard, cockpit and engines are done... only the hard points are....
While speaking to herself she falls asleep without even gathering the papers together..