Tarancon Base - Repair Deck -
3rd Shift - The Next Day, 0345 Hours
Rob was covered with all manner of grime, grease, and sweat. He was sitting on a small fold out stool which looked as though it might give under his weight at any moment. Before him sat the hull of a freighter, some of the beams throughout looked fresh, the glint the overhead lights reflecting in their surface. Others merely blackened. Rob blew a rasphberry though his lips while he tapped out on a data pad balanced on one leg while he chewed on a sub sandwich with his other free hand."Shoulda told Rick I wanted a vacation instead of a raise." Rob said mainly to himself. He glanced at the time. It was very nearly 4am. He had left messages with Verac and Cortana to meet him then for an update on his progress. "Any minute now..." he trailed off while continuing to tap away on his data pad.