Cait stands on the bridge of the Akhetaten again lookin out of the window her head lened on th glass as she loked over to her Velvet moored and conected with the Akhetaten she opwns her mind to catch at least a glimpse of her beloved home she wants to feel the calming Pesence of the Velvet nit insted she feels teh Akhetaten touch her like a mother who calms there child she enjoys the touch "thank you" she kisses the window infront of her like a child would kiss the Cheek of her mother and could swear she feeld a Tremble in the ship as response as if she wanted to say "always my child" she closes her mind again and goes over to Chris and Steph grabbing Chris neck so she could kiss him on the Uninjured Cheek "you have a ship with a good heart my friend" she tell him and then she wispers in his ear "if you ever make her Cry i swear then i will kick your ass" she then takes Stephs hand and smiles at him ignoring the Confused look of her Loved one and Chris and smiles at both "so didnt you Promise me a drink oh and tell me where i get those Flaks for my ship some new toys to play with are always welcome" she looks at him with a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes she may not need this drink as much as before but she never wastes one