Mascius | Crime: Artifacts | Ship: GB| Entry: TX| Engagement: NY | Action: Completely ignored me and fled so I attacked but blew myself up by firing novas too close to him | Log
Capt_Plaxis.Ohara | Crime: Artifacts | Ship: Corsair VHF | Entry: NY | Engagement: NY | Action: Completely ignored me and escaped to Manhattan
Adam.Moretti | Crime: Artifacts | Ship: Freighter | Entry: TX | Engagement: N/A | Action: Docked at Norfolk and I camped him for a while but he logged (2nd time this has happened this week)
.:j:.The.Great.Feller | Crime: Blood Diamonds | Ship: Junker GB | Entry: TX | Engagement: N/A | Action: Could not catch up to him before he docked on Manhattan