Their story began before the Gallic war with Bretonia. They were one of many elite specialized divisions, within the Galic Royal Navy. But this is not a story about glorious victories or military achievements. This is a story about horrifying experiences and the tragic perversion of these unfortunates into something terrible, corrupted, and dangerous to the very essence of human nature itself.
As Gallia was preparing for the war with Sirius, the GRN fleet was steadily replenished with new recruits, some of whom gradually became officers during the battles with the Council. The Vipère division was one of the more distinguished GRN divisions, including three regiments, whose flagships were the battlecruisers Grenoble, Vichy, and Issoire. The battleship Marseille was in the flagship of the Division itself. The Division executed special operations and received its first combat experience in several skirmishes with the Soviet.
At the beginning of the war with Sirius, the Division was redeployed to the front of the war and began to conduct active hostilities with Kusari and Bretonia at the same time, suffering only minimal casualties in this phase of the war. After advancing into the Tau systems and Bretonia, the Division met with almost no resistance, unlike those sent to the front of the war with Kusari. Due to its nature, tied to special operations, the Division often penetrated into the rear of the enemy and delivered accurate and destructive strikes.
Eventually, the Division reached the border with Bretonia and fought numerous battles with the Bretonian Armed Forces. During Operation Royal Flush, the Division lost a considerable number of its fighters in a direct confrontation with the BAF and LN's combined forces. Since the Vipère was not the only Division that suffered such losses, the GRN command ordered the Division to regroup in Gaul until the arrival of new cruisers, which were eagerly incorporated in the new Division when it finally returned to the war.
The war, meanwhile, had degraded into a trench war. Both sides were fighting for what relatively came down to inches. Eventually, however, the Gallic forces managed to push Bretonia back all the way to the New London system. Desperate, Bretonia dug in on the planet New London while the GRN was preparing to deliver the coup de grace.
Queue the return of the Division, its actions now bearing a significantly more brutal character, since, due to the new order, the Division had to demoralize the enemy's forces. Their modus operandi came down to conducting public executions, murders, and other atrocities so that the enemy either surrendered or lost morale.
Constant operations of this kind however, did not have a positive effect on the behavior of the members of the Division, they had gone from elite operatives to butchers and murderers. After some time, Vipère became a Division that did not ask unnecessary questions and did what they knew how to do best: destroy everything and everyone in their path with sadism and hatred.
This reputation soon attracted the attention of not only the special services of Bretonia but also the eyes of a completely unexpected party. They predated humanity, and they intended to outlive it long; Solomon K'Hara, better known as "Nomads" or, as they called themselves, "Vagrants." An intelligent alien species whose goal was the complete and utter destruction of humanity. The cruelty towards their fellow man, as well as the skill with which the Division performed the tasks assigned to them, impressed the Aliens.
An agent infected admiral Jean-Noel during his time on New Paris, and it is he who will become the variable that will forever change the face of this Division. With each new mission completed, the Division became more and more distant from the rest of the armed forces. Puppeteers did everything they could to gather as much information about them as possible, to mold and manipulate the members of the Division so they would be subjugated to their will.
The preparation time was over, and the Vagrants finally made their move. The admiral ordered the Division to move to Newcastle, according to him, to put an end to the SIS group there that was investigating the area and, if possible, cut off one of the routes for the arrival of reinforcements to the Bretons. Upon arrival at the site, all that remained of the aforementioned SIS group was only twisted wreckage of ships. The burial ground did not bode well.
The officers fell into confusion about this, while the sight of destroyed Bretonian vessels was reassuring, the question "Who could have done this if it wasn't us?" remained on everyone's minds. They were not left wondering for long, however, as if from nowhere huge creatures appeared, accompanied by several squadrons of civilian ships. They were like huge blue crystals and shone like stars, their equipment unknown to anything Gallia had seen before. It was in that moment of confusion, shock, and surprise that all the pilots felt a severe attack of headache and nausea, which was then replaced by melodies and whispers emanating from somewhere within themselves.
Someone screamed in agony, unable to withstand this pain, begging to "make it stop," someone else committed suicide on the spot. But there were also those who resisted. Overcoming the pain, they rushed to attack the creatures and their escorts, but then disaster struck as the unexpected happened. Amid the indistinct mumbling and prayers to some Light, an order was heard on the radio: "Execute the deserters!" The flagship Marseille, together with half of the Division, opened fire on their own troops.
Many died in the massacre that followed, a fate that was covered up and denied when brought up. When everything was finally over, the survivors disappeared alongside the mysterious creatures.
The Division was declared missing and was not heard of for two years until rumors spread among Freelancers of a group of madmen on old Royal Navy ships that terrorized merchant ships passing through the border worlds. They were no longer who they were once... Many of them even lost the most precious thing one could have - their humanity. If you were to ask the Bretonians, however, given what the Division was doing prior to their disappearance, one could argue they never had any humanity, to begin with.
Now their only goal was to survive and serve their new benefactors. Perhaps, this would be the end of my story, but another important event happened that determined the further fate of these poor unfortunate souls. Through another infected agent, they learned that the Gallic war had ended. Gallia was fragmented into several parts. The part that was still loyal to the Crown was actively searching for missing persons and deserters, hoping to strengthen their battered fleet.
Now they have found a new goal, dictated by the will of the Light: to infiltrate the ranks of the Loyalists and spread the influence of Light throughout to drown the entirety of Gallia in chaos...
A New Path:
As strong as their will to pursue a new world was the Light has spread everywhere. Their will to evolve the Lights technology is strong, as they believe it will benefit their Crusade. The evolution has started a long time ago when the holy cause wasn't yet known to mankind. Many believed that such development in technology shouldn't be possible. Yet La Division Vipère will prove otherwise, to show the Light’s true power to mankind.
As evolution continues daily, many wonder what the true power of such evolution is. But such knowledge will only be revealed to the few. Until humankind is ready to experience the true beauty of the Light and the strength of their holy Crusade.
As they not only wonder what the strength of such development is but also what it could include, yet there is not much known about it. The chosen ones might catch a glimpse of what is about to happen, yet those chosen ones are the ones who are one with the Light. It is believed that if the ones who are not one with the Light see the great evolution, it will be the last thing their minds may see as they enter the path to the abyss.
Goals: Long term Goals:
• Gain influence in the Tau systems
• Gain influence in the Gallic systems
• Create an arsenal of new hybrid technology including ships and new devices
• Create relations with different factions
• Build safe heaven for La Division Vipère and other wilds/nomads in a Tau system
Short term Goals:
• Build a communication relay
• Make contact with locals and create relations
• Establish a secure sector in a tau system (not meant with a base just by patrols)
• Enlight more humans for the cause of La Division Vipère
Diplomacy: Allied
Junkers Congress
Gallic Confederal Forces
Gallic corporations
Everyone else
Gallic Royal Enclave
At War
The Order
The Core
House intels
//OORp Explanation: Why is it needed to have another wild faction/ why don't you just join AoI?
The reason for its existence is that we want to take a different approach RP wise as well as spreading into more systems that are not as populated by nomads/wilds.
What will be the difference RP wise?
We will try to go for a strict kind of wild with a codex we want to follow we will still be shooting people and follow the "basic" principal of the wild. We are Vagrant infected but work with K'hara based infecteds if they wish so. We also aim to get into more development to extend the current hybrid technology.
Will technology developed by La Division Vipère be shared across all wild factions/indies?
Well, this will be something that is still far away since we are a new faction and have some other priorities. We will start to develop as an unoffical faction but those technologies, if they make it in-game, will stay as SRP's until we reach a phase where we can share them.
//The lore will develop with the faction. When we grow the lore will grow too. Please post your Feedback in this Thread.