Over the last few days iv been developing a Anti-Cheat system designed to detect if a user has modded Freelancer files. The concept is simple, the client side would be distributed with a mod(As in whatever mod the server was using) and the user would run freelancer through the FLSAC exe file (sending it the same parameters as normal), this application would peridoricaly(SP) scan the users freelancer directory and get "fingerprints" for the ini files (Not all of them, just ones that could be used to exploit, so it does its job quickley without the user noticing) and then sends them to the server. The server recieves the list of fingerprints and checks them with its own fingerprints, if they match then the user will be allowed to stay on the server, if they don't match the user will be "Temp Banned" for 5 minutes(By default). If after 45 seconds(By default) the server hasn't recieved any fingerprints the client is "Temp Banned" for 1 minute(By default).
Im posting to see what "You" the community think of the concept of the system.