PRIORITY:Low ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel SOURCE:Fulda Border Station, Frankfurt System SUBJECT:Cleanup request for munich
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
because my superiors were pleased with my previous paperwork task, I was today assigned to anozer one to complete my reintegration training, namely to familiarize myself wiz ze newly constructed bases wizin ze empire.
Due recent events of ze munich crisis I thought it's a good idea to start in my origin system.
Considering ze condition of ze munich lanes and ze expansion of ze Schwarzwald cloud, zere were reasons for usage of a fast vessel with improved scanner systems,
which will serve me in future (hopefully) well.
Ze Swift's Mining station however couldn't be found, due lack of precise sector data.
Some comrades at Fulda told me already, zat zis station was relocated to Frankfurt.
I'm unsure about ze current modus operandi, if a base is not found wizin ze listed location of ze base database, is ze permission void?
If so:
Please remove ze entry of DHC Aluminium Giesserei
Please remove ze entry of DHC Aluminium Storage
Please remove ze entry of Regensburg|In&Exports
Please update ze entry of Swift's Mining
While I await you response, I prepare myself for ze next part of task, ze bases of Frankfurt.