Christopher nods to the lady as a show of respect. "A pleasure to have been made your acquaintance, Captain Fox." He straightens his torso, having expected that the Captain would be asking him a few questions to make sure that Edwards knows what he's doing. However he doesn't look unprepared in the slightest as the thought of flying under the Fifth's colors was one that had crossed his mind many times in the past. Virtually, the decision was taken by him - but more accurately it was a result of conversation between him and his crewmembers, making Captain Fox's first question one that Christopher doesn't struggle answering. "I confirm mine and the Akhetaten's transfer to the Fifth Fleet, a decision that I took after a multitude of discussions with my crew members as is proper, Captain."
He doesn't seem surprised that Captain Fox spent a few seconds looking at a datapad that she had in her hands, the Fifth Fleet would obviously have gathered a file on the man's past by now, something which brings him happiness, knowing that he is taken seriously. Christopher awaits patiently for the Captain's next questions.