Around 10 years ago I was part of the modding team and did contribute vessels, guns and turrets. I think it was shortly before Gallia was released, that some major personal issues had me leaving Discovery. The issues centered around unemployment and what to do for a living and all the nasty stuff that comes along with no regular income.
Well, it took me some years, but I figured it out. I have found a satisfaction in the rather well payed job as a Paramedic.
Anyway, over all those years I didn't think much about Disco. I moved on putting time and effort in different things and lately I assumed Disco would be long gone.
Oh boy, what a nice surprise to see, that it is still carrying on. Of course, a comment under a Freelancer LP I stumbled upon on YT gave me the hint. Kudos to the one, who's nick I have forgotten. He(?) is a playing community member. That brought back memories and what a great community it was (and still is I think).
It was about a week ago I downloaded, installed (thanks for the easy way to get it running) and played the game. Since then I follow the theme "Discovery", exploring the current Disco-Sirius and what a world it has become. What an amazing job the modding team has done. New and massive stations (I remember it caused some heavy headache back then to get them modeled and coded) Many new ships of very talented old and new contributors. Awsome looking and animated new Nomad entities, gorgeous Systems and lots and lots of other stuff. Yet my biggest salute goes to all the programmers for all the tools and utilities. That is the dry stuff I would never dare touching. Also all the moderators, admins and helpers, who kept the community running over all those years. One special kudos to the developers of the Navmap.
What of me? Currently I will at least restart my old Corsair char, doing the roleplay thing. Familiarizing myself again and learning all the implemented new "tricks".
Concerning modding, well, I feel an itch in my fingers, but not right now and provided the actual modding team would welcome me back, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.