Personal background: I was born to Gaian parents on a base in Newcastle. My parents have been fighting all their lives to keep planet Gaian green, against both the Gallic and the Bretonian authorities. As much as an eco-warrior myself, I see my parents' cause to be of lesser importance facing the advance of the Gallic armada. I've also grown weary of being an ally to various unlawful factions whose behaviors I generally cannot condone.
Military/Para-military background: None.
Combat skills: Some combat experience with very heavy fighters, but lacks dog-fighting skill.
Reasons for enlisting: Want to join like-minded pilots who value just and who have a noble cause.
How long have you been on Discovery?
A couple of months (But I have played on another server with discovery mod for a few months many years ago).
2) Any characters you've had or factions you've been part of that you wish to mention?
I have a bunch of Liberty Rogue chars and Gaian chars, which I mostly use in Conn.
3) How often do you normally play/come online for? Also, what's your time-zone?
Mostly active during weekends, but will try to play during weekdays if there isn't too much work. US Pacific time zone.