Since the end of the Gallic War, the Kingdom of Bretonia has been pre-occupied with restoring its greatness and integrity. Internal conflicts, local frustrations, and foreign influence have not stopped Kingdom in this endevor. One year later, the Armed Forces are nearly ready for the first great offensive against the forces of Enclave, the successor of the Kingdom of Gallia.
Unwilling to repeat the mistake the Ottawa made in Leeds, Bretonian Command decided to ensure the safety of the main fleet when it eventually comes to jump into Edinburgh. Therefore, Admiralty of BAF decided to send a few squadrons of scouts to determine the disposition of the Enclave forces. Those who were sent into this mission may be the most important for the further success of the BAF offensive.
The Enclave command had foreseen this move and already deployed several elite squadrons to repel the Bretonian vanguard. Should the Bretonians fail - their further plans in Edinburgh would be severely compromised, with Enclave forces being warned and prepared to receive the Bretonian fleets with courage and fury.
Only applied players may participate in the event.
Only HFs and VHFs are permitted.
No cloaking, restocking, or excessive running (>20K from event area).