I'm Sénateur Louis Robiquet of la Fraternité Noire You're likely familiar with by now. Today I'm reaching You out to obtain Your consent to acquire a Series ME-UH "Vache" and an Armored Transport "Taureau" to expand my organisation's logistics wing. My group is confronting a crisis due to repercussions left behind the war against the invaders.
Gallia is severely exhausted due to several conflicts, aiming to regenerate its economy; same as my people. Therefore, we Corsicans demand additional assets with higher capacities to fulfil our demanding necessities. We desire to launch logistics plans to convey common commodities responsible for maintaining our installations, including the Gallic Union's few facilities. Besides maintenance, we'd like to trade certain items with Gallic Authorities or Corporations to earn a trivial profit.
As for the Armored Transport "Taureau", we'd utilise it to acquire several Sirius products that might benefit us, regenerate the economy, and potentially support us with accessible resources. Travelling throughout the Sirius is dangerous and difficult, primarily due to Kusari's and Maltese presence in the Taus. Our logistics would unquestionably convey some of the products towards the Gallic facilities. Besides the economy-important items, we'd transfer electronic equipment produced by the Union towards friendly houses, and return with appropriate Sirius technology.
• Name and affiliation: Louis Robiquet, La Fraternité Noire • FN| • Category of the request: A • Requested Equipment and Ships: 1x Vache; 1 Armored Transport "Taureau" • Intended Use: Transportation of maintenance commodities, appropriate technology and potentially beneficial products to support my organisation against the crisis, and assist the Union with the similar.
Respectfully, Sénateur Louis Robiquet
L'Autorité, La Fraternité Noire