Character Name: Akasuki Kimura
Biography: Akasuki has always had a troubled life never was she able to please her father in honoring the family. He had always wanted a son, with being disowned by him she left in search of her own path.
Unsure of what to do she explored the cities of New Tokyo, with her credits running dry it seemed the undergrounds of New Tokyo had consumed her. Running small illegal trades deals for a few of her "friends" she was kidnapped in the middle of the night. Waking up inside of a cold capsule pod with nothing but rags on she thought to herself this is it this is how it ends. Though years had passed and she was bought and sold to many men who kept her as a house maid but was beaten constantly if she didnt meet there stadards. Then one day after being traded again her capsule released and she realized she was being freed when a women by the name of Miyazaki was announcing that me and thousands of other women had been liberated. This is around the time I met Kiri a young brilliant women who welcomed Akasuki and pointed her in the direction of joining the sisterhood.
Reasons for joining inRP: I want to keep my own promise that I will help the sisterhood in changing the way Kusari is for the better. I owe everything to my sisters and want to earn my spot within the Gen'an.
In order to serve our cause, you must pass the Trial of Severing. Do you agree to pass the trial?: YES
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Do you agree to have your character addicted to cardamine?: YES
Favoured ship type(s): Snubs and transports
Time Zone: Central Time US
Discord ID: You have it.