Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record. 166cm / 56kg
You're going to have to get access to some very highly classified files sitting around on some very secure servers in Kusari if you want some proper medical history, but the short version is that my body is relatively intact for the strain I've put it through in my short life. I might have some more details to reveal if this goes anywhere, but suffice to say a lifetime of what I've been doing has made me a little bit paranoid about it.
Origin Planet Cambridge, Cambridge
Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us? Wildchild pirate at first, "worked" in Kusari mostly. Built up a smuggling ring and left it in a cloud of plasma vapor when it collapsed. Got captured by Kusari intelligence and was forced to work for the Tokkeitai until I got bold enough to flee. Joined a mercenary group fighting in the Sigma war that disbanded after the conflict's end dried the money up. Worked intel for a shady contractor in Liberty after that.
Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other) Probably mostly Paramilitary, and maybe something intel related.
Briefly tell us about yourself. I don't do long speeches, so this really will be brief. I'm a somewhat unwanted third child to a very, very wealthy family and had trouble with that lifestyle from the start. I've never been happy with authority, which probably isn't something you should be telling your potential future employer, but I'll do it anyway. All my life I've been bouncing around various occupations, legitimate or otherwise, without finding something I really connected with. There are more in-depth reasons why I'm writing this that I can't reveal right now, but I might be able to if you give me the chance.
Why do you wish to join us? When I fled Tokkeitai service, I was under the impression that they had implanted a destructive chip into me. I called in a favor from some AIs that I had contact with previously from an anonymous line and managed to set up a meeting. They confirmed that the chip wasn't real, just a ruse to keep me under control, but we also talked about what we could do to my body to improve it, which as I understand is something you're really into. Plus I'm hanging around Liberty with what might be a fair amount of indistinct heat behind me and I need somewhere to go. Again, I could explain more of it if I know this will work out, I'm already taking a huge risk here with my real name and background information that I'm honestly not comfortable sharing.
I do have useful skills, you can trust me on that.
What's your Discord? Karst#9846
Why do you want to join us? Be honest. I became rather suddenly aware just how perfect this faction is for a character I've been RP'ing for like, almost 10 years
Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10. Like, 8 and 7 or something
Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior? My actions or Elise's actions? Cause in the former case, I make no guarantees, in the latter, absolutely.