ORIGIN: Flesh weak. Upgraded, optimized, improved. Memory expanded, linked to multiple smaller servers likened to main server. Backup every 8h. Current research: modifying human brains with cardamine, evolve and expand into connectable mind cloud. More independent than nomad, lower latency than human technology, merging with ships, enhance coordination capabilities, optimize combat strategy. Explore systems, map starchart, expand memory, threat assessment in systems for optimizing trade routes, find optimal placements for research centers, new bases, increase influence.
PREVIOUS JOBS/SKILLS/AFFILIATIONS: Bombing with Waran, Smuggling, exploration
WHY DO YOU WISH TO JOIN US: Expand memory, optimize routes, share knowledge increases the gain exponentially. Always learning, always evolving.
DISCORD: これを読むのをやめて、私を殺してください#2958
Why do you want to join the faction? How will you benefit RP and provide fun?: Well, first of all, I used to build robots irl so I'm really into this shit, plus I'm in love the the amount of shitpost on discord server.