INCOMING TRANSMISSION COMM-ID: Tarik Torren Recipient: Licensing & Permits Office, The Gallic Union
I am Tarik Torren, Prospector General of the the Borneo Mining Syndicate. We have come before you today requesting licensing of our logistical vessels already frequenting your trade corridors to haul Military Salvage. We understand this is a restricted commodity for good reason, but request our vessels, who've shown to work in conjunction and regard for Gallic law be permitted to trsnport already-extracted salvage without duress through your territory to dealers in Sirius.
Organization or Affiliation: Borneo Mining Syndicate / IMG
Requested Commodity(s): Transportation of Military Salvage
Intended Destination(s): Rheinland
Reason for Request: To adhere to existing laws and aid in the cleanup of Languedoc
Tarik Torren,
Captain of CV Sycorax Borneo Mining Syndicate
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