RECIPIENT: Gallic Union Licensing and Permits Office SENDER: Future crew of the Luxury Liner Imperial LOCATION: Monte Carlo Freeport, Provence ENCRYPTION:Maximum SUBJECT: Permit for the UC~Imperial
I am the Captain Salvadore Vincensin, and I have been appointed as the future captain of the Luxury Liner Imperial. As we are quickly wrapping up and planning for its subsequent deployment, I have been tasked with the paperwork.
The Luxury Liner Imperial will be the newest addition to the Unione Corse fleet of Luxury Liners, following the UC~Tahtiherra. It will be tasked with routes within Gallia, although it can be redeployed within the Taus or elsewhere depending on our needs and the demand of the clientèle.
Name and affiliation: UC~Imperial | Unione Corse
Category of the request: A
Requested Equipment and Ships: Lucullus
Intended Use: Transport of personnel, passengers, and goods needed for our passengers.
Reputation with Gallic Navy (for Class B and C permits): N/a