Cait Smiled Warm and Welcoming at Kimi her White Skin had a Light Tan and she didn't seem to care a Bit that she Welcomed Kimi in just a Bikini with a Towel Around her Hips. Cait Gave the Impression that it was totally Natural to Greet someone she met for the first time in Person Like this. Steph on the Other hand Blushed a bit and seemed as if she had Liked that Cait had put on some More Clothes as she did. But Steph Knew that her Love liked to shock the People a bit to see their Real faces behind the Everyday Mast that most of them Weared. Cait Reached her Hand to Kimi as she Greeted her.
Cait: Welcome to our Home Kimi, sorry for my rather revealing clothes we just took a Litle Sunbath as you Landed. a Nice ship you have there. But the Left Engine Block could Need an Adjustment
At the fuel consumption rate, it Burns too Much Fuel and that way too Fast If you Reduce the Fuel Speed to the Engine at a rate of 6% a Minute the Vibrations in the engine would Decrease and you Increase the Engine Life without a Reduction of Speed.
Steph sighs and Gave her Wife a Loving Slap at the Back of her head. Cait Made a Litle Squeal and Gave Steph a Played Bad Look, but she couldn't hold it for long and a Smirk appeared on her face. Steph also Reached a Hand to Kimi and Smiled Welcoming at her.
Steph: Yes I am Stephanie Cross, it's Nice to Meet you, Kimi. and Yes I was Crazy Enough to Marry that Readhead Troublemaker. I also apologize for my wife when she sees a Ship she can't control her Urge to Tinker with it. But she never makes a Mistake when she uses her "Junker Voodo" on a Ship, she can somehow Feel the "Pain of a Ship" as she calls it.
Cait didn't Like it when Steph called it "Voodo", but she was Right Caits Instinct told her always what a Ship needed and her Engineering Skills could make her Fix it. Cait Wasnt a Junker anymore since she was 16 but she had some of her Skills.
Cait: Well Shall we go inside? we have Prepared a Room for you to stay overnight after the Race as it can become Pretty Late Tonight. You and Your Crew are our Guests and Cann Order Anything you want from the Room Service, Free of Charge of Course. The Race will Start Later today at the Main Island so you can Refresh yourself before we Take my Boat to Drive over to it. There will be 27 Boats at the Race and the Only allowed Engine is the Wind in the Sails.
They Lead Kimi to their Private Residence at Samson, It was a bright and friendly place that reflected the personalities of the two women. The Big Windows were open and a Refreshing Seabreeze Filled the Rooms. They showed Kimi their Home as if she was an Old Friend that came by after a long time. Kimis Room was in Cait and Stephs House just Some Doors away from their own Bedroom. The Room was a Mix of Luxury and Comfort in a Perfect Symbiosis, Kimi had her own Bath and a Litle Private Balcony where she could relax on. The Bath had a Big Rainshower and a Bathtub with Massage jets and a Wide Variety of High-Quality Shampoos and Bath Oils.
Steph: We hope you Like it and can Relax a Bit while you are here Kimi, Cait and I know how Stressful a Life Between the Stars can be so we wanted to offer you some Relaxation. Sadly we cant offer every one of your Crew a Room Like this but they are Welcome to Order anything they want from Samsons Room Service for Free and to use the Public Areas of the Resort.