PREVIOUS JOBS/SKILLS/AFFILIATIONS: 820 - 825 A.S. - Bretonia Armed Forces strike craft pilot.
825 - 828 A.S. - Bretonia Armed Forces space superiority squadron leader, assigned to
Ark Royal battlegroup.
WHY DO YOU WISH TO JOIN US: Technocracy stands outside of House policies and I wouldn't expect it to enact inefficient crisis policy that turns life of lower command staff into existence. Survival. I do not fancy being pushed over for the sake of the House to that extent. So that brings us to this point, where I'm willing to dedicate my humble skills to the goals of Technocracy.
DISCORD: ニュージャージー#5531
Why do you want to join the faction? How will you benefit RP and provide fun?: To exploit greater opportunities it grants and stay closer to more coordinated part of faction's playerbase. Through occassional interactions and fights the other side will hopefully enjoy.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war.