Boris "Disfigured" Zimmerman Date of Birth: 03.29.798 AS Place of Birth: A slum in Manhattan, New York
Boris was brought into this world by a pair of drug addicted parents that have dumped him with his grandparents on planet Manhattan.
When he turned eighteen he was kicked out of the house by them because he had a gambling addiction and kept stealing all their money.
He went to the casino and saw a buddy there that suggested to him that he could crash with him. Later that night he was introduced to
drugs and how much money he could make with selling it. A year later when he was smuggeling some drugs to Buffalo station he got caught
by the Liberty navy. He tried to fight them off but after destorying of their two fighters he had to use the emergency pod to leave his ship.
The navy left him to die in space and destroyed everything that was left of his ship and goods. Some time later he was picked up by a rogue that
was just passing by. That rogue learned Boris everything about them and their lifestyle and he grew fond of it. After some basic training and
knowledge was passed on between the two. he bought his own rogue werewolf and is looking to join the most elite rogue squadron.
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
In total arround 4 years.