Wait... What? Did I hear right? Are you suggesting that I just take it and return to the union like i was never gone? To what I was doing before... Um... My transformation? This... I have no words.
She gazed into Lusignan's eyes for a dozen seconds, trying to fully comprehend what he had said.
Do you understand what this will mean for the rest of the world? For Sirius? For the Order after all? Let's say our interests in strong Gallia coincide. Speaking "our", I mean not only myself. Should I consider your proposal as the first steps towards cooperation between "Them" and Gallia? Or it is your personal initiative? As for what happened in my homeland... It's sad. It seemed to me that these radicals are unfriendly with their heads. The destruction of the mirrors made things worse for the people on the Metz.
She considered, rubbing her face with hand.
We are able to help with both. We have knowledge and specialists. However, we have no resources. Will it be a gift from "Their" side? No. Do I have influence on "Them"? Also no. But your proposal will certainly interest them. There is a benefit. However, you must understand that this interaction should be beneficial for both parties. If you do not agree with this - your right. Even threatening me with execution, you will not convince them.