- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? Ex. Bowex pilot - Transport Pilot
- To what division are you applying? Logistic Division
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? After fixing my family issues, I'm ready to continue my old job.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why? I would at least call the Armed Forces and the Police, but afterall, it's not really my business if they can't effort security pilots.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why? Just letting them know that we won the war, should fix any futute issues.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers? It never get's old.
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee? No.