• Name: Giovanni Cipriani
• Blood Type (if known): AB
• Gender: Male
• Cardamine Usage: No, but yes in the past
• Date of Birth: March 8, 780
• Medical Background: Yes
• Place of Birth: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
• Height / Weight: 171 cm, 69 kg
Despite his origins in Malta's lower aristocracy, Giovanni decided not to follow his family's path and become just another drug baron selling Cardamine left and right, vying for power and influence with other similar individuals - no, he decided to devote his life to solving his mutated race's age-old problem: addiction to Cardamine.
Studied at the Università ta' Cadiz-de-Malta in pharmacy, a field which was not particularly popular among Outcasts, he obtained a Master's degree in just a few years and published several papers on the effects of Cardamine on the human body as well as its possible use in the treatment of diseases linked to genome disorders.
However, his main aim was to find a way to free the Maltese from this dependency, allowing them to travel and explore other worlds freely, without relying on Cardamine supplies from far away Malta - but without finding support among his compatriots, he gathered his small belongings and a supply of Cardamine sufficient to reach neutral stations and even live there for some time without having to seek the source of the drug: he went in search of contact with Cryer, who were widely known to be engaged in Cardamine research, developing a "cure"-filler for those hooked on the "needle", or rather an inhaler with a charge of the coveted Orange Dream.