My story begins on Planet Volgograd in the Omega-52 system. I was born in a middle-class family, my father went bankrupt with the business of selling nanotechnology, because of which he had to get a job at a factory for assembling hulls for transport ships. One day (November 26) he left for work early at 5 o'clock, not at 8 as usual, I was then preparing to enter the Volgograd Institute of Credit, Finance and Trade (VIKFT). Having learned in the evening of the same day from the TV about the murder of a man on the territory of the plant, I got nervous, I hoped with all my might that this was not my father, but my fears were confirmed when the district police officer and the detective came to us to take evidence.
After the funeral and a sea of tears on November 27 at 13:47, I remembered that I had to come to the Institute at 8:00, as expected. I was late, missing the opportunity for a successful future.
At around 2:23 pm, I turned on the TV with news of the same case, the detective issued a verdict that the evidence left pointed to one of the Alliance houses hostile to the Coalition - Bretonnia. Let's just say that one of these "tea" people made his way not only through the entire Omega-52 system, but also onto the planet and into the territory of the plant. The details and reasons for the murder have not been clarified.
When I finally came to my senses, I realized that I could avenge my father's death by choosing to join the S.C.R.A., fighting for the freedom of many brothers and sisters, prisoners of war, dead soldiers, for the sovereignty of the Coalition.
Any aditional information (optional):
--OORP Part--
How long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer?:
1 year
Have you ever been sanctioned before? If yes, what for, and have you learned from it?:
Note that having received sanctions is not automatic grounds for application rejection. Honesty and picking up from one's mistakes so long as you are not a "career offender" is preferred.
Rate your RP Skills from 0 - 10:
Rate your PvP skills from 0 - 10 NOTE: This will not influence your application reviewing.
Your Discord address. This is required for effective membership in the SCRA.