Maxwell "Defiant" Bradley Date of Birth: 05.25.794 AS Place of Birth: Planet Denver, Colorado
Where do I begi- Right, right. I was born on Denver in a well-off family. Spent most of the teenage years studying to become an LPI Officer. Enrolled successfully and rose to the rank of transport captain, spending the majority my time hauling a variety of required goods back'n forth wherever need. Well, that's where the "good guy" part ends.
Turns out that the more time one spends within the LPI, the more corrupt they become. Naturally, I attempted to resist this, but who in their right mind cares about a low-life transport capt'n? That's correct, nobody did, and next thing I knew, I was all the way in Texas workin' in them famous factories. The LPI doesn't tolerate people acting their will, so they swiftly replaced me with another person.
Got released in 824 A.S, and, having no other choice, turned to piracy. Through different contacts, I made my way to Buffalo Base, eventually joining a small, albeit unimportant gang of Rogues. That was until the past year, when they got captured by an LPI patrol, the poor souls.
These days, all I've been looking for is helping the Rogues with their smuggling, as I am in no way fit for combat in snubcraft... and what better place to try to do that than here?
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Almost two years.