Gendarmerie Lorraine Announcement
Warning to all people of Lorraine: Foreign agents and drug dealers have been spotted in Tau-37 and are likely to try to poison and spy on Gallia through Lorraine. These Sirian wrong doers are a danger to the very fabric of our society.
The good citizens are encouraged to report and bring information on anyone with Sirian accent in the Lorraine system and what they are up to. Be wary and report any vessels of Libertonian origin like the one depicted here:
They are proven smugglers of Sirian drugs that can cause instant death if inhaled! Treat all Sirian vessels and goods with suspicion, report them to the C.G.R.S.Open Reporting System and be rewarded.
The Gendarmerie is gathering information on the Sirian Agents. Groups such as Lane Hackers, individuals Bob Barber, Anthony Ellis, Terry Wiggins and others are to be reported as soon as spotted in Gallia, citizens' arrests are encouraged.