Character biopgraphy: I was born to a Maquis mother and a father from outside of Gallia. This unusual pairing as well as the fact that it meant I was not a blue blood Gallia resident, meant that I was ostracised from a young age. I never knew my father because he died before I was born fighting Bretonia forces, or so I am told. My mother raised me by herself and was the commander of a Destroyer, the Hyperion. Sometime when I was 18 and in pilot school doing training drills in Burgundy, my mother's Destroyer was ordered to escort a supply convoy from Limoux Base in Languedoc to Caussade Depot in Roussillon. Their path was originally supposed to go through Province, but heavy Navy presence in the system at the time of the convoy's departure caused a deviation, and they decided to take the risk to fly through Orkney instead passing near the Tau 61 Jump Hole to avoid navy detection. The convoy was 20k away from the Jump Hole when contact was lost, and that was the last we heard of them. Distraut from this news, I hastened to finish my pilot training so that I may go and look for my mother's Destroyer in Orkney, despite the warnings against doing so by my Instructors.
After turning 20, I flew into Orkney to go and find my mother's Destroyer. After many months of searching, I found the remains of her Destroyer orbiting around the moon Copinsay. Damaged beyond repair, I towed the wreck back to Verdun Dockyard where the ship was scrapped and her steel was recycled to become part of my own Destroyer which I had commissioned thanks to having saved up funds during my pilot training years as well as the fortune my mother left me. This ship too, would bare the name of the Hyperion in honor of my mother.
It is now 8 years since my Destroyer was commissioned, I have not done anything worth of note, escorting some convoys and flying against Navy gunboat and heavy fighter patrols in Burgundy and Lorraine. I am eager to gain recognition, to get into deeper action, and to command the Hyperion with pride, as my mother before me. This is why I put my recruitment with the FLG.
Reasons for joining The Front and Maquis (in roleplay):
To honor my mother's name
Free Gallia from the clutches of the Union
To seek revenge against those who destroyed my mother's convoy
And to protect Gallia against wouldbe invaders, both from inside (The Navy) and from outside.
//OORP Availability (how often can you be active): I am usually on between 5 to 7 days a week playing a minimum of two hours. Mostly trading to fund my capital ship addiction.
What do you most enjoy doing in Discovery Freelancer:RP encounters and yeeting Liberty. Can add Kusari and Rheinland to that list too.
Your Discord (leave blank if we already have it):HunterSteel#7396
Returning veteran player after 10 years.
Corsair, Gallia and Zoner capship simp. DTR Academy Seargant and relic smuggler extraordinaire.
Why is the Gallia/Maquis Destroyer so damn sexy? Also when are Maquis gonna stop having the ugliest engines in the game?