► Full name: Lukas Mayer ► Brief biography: Born on planet New Berlin, from a modest family, saw military career as a viable exit of a quite hard life. After the basic training, joined the security detachment of Daumann, flown few years there, until a pirate attack that costed the lives of many comrades and then decided to go back to Vaterland service to free Rheinland of soome of those pests. ► Age: 32 years old. ► Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: Multiple fights against pirates.
Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
Fight the pirate menace that hinders Rheinland progress.
► German knowledge level will not affect your application): Is my natural language.
► Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Indeed i can.
► Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): Right now pretty much only the pirates i guess?
► Link to your reports: None
► Reason for joining?: Well feds are dead and i like turtles.