I just told you that the source code wouldn't prove anything. Its funny, any freelancer mod maker could easily implement malware/viruses in freelancer mods (The dll's that are loaded by fl can contain executable code) and noone cares, yet when someone trys to help the community by making an application that ONLY sends packets to the server there connecting with ONLY fingerprints of them files people cry "OMG it has to be malware".... its stupid.
If you want to capture packets sent out via all applications then you can download Local Trafic Monitor from microolap. Tho i don't expect anyone to trust them eather, dispite that there applications are digitaly signed.
Quote:get an assertion from someone I can trust on this server
Then PM Blodo. I assume you can trust the leader of the RHA? Tho then again, maybe its the RHA's plan to install malware on other factions pc's so that they can take over the universe... yes.
I have a question, why did you trust the discovery mod when you first tryed it? It could easily have contained malware. Why did you trust FLMM when it could easily have done the same. I could say the same for any other application you have downloaded off the internet that was made by the community. I doubt you have demanded FLMM's creator for the source code to his application, not that it would prove anything(If you asked a hacker to send you his ini files, just because he sends a clean lot doesn't mean he isn't using a modifyed version).