Quote:Actually if you sent the admin team the source codes for both client and server, we could compile them ourselves then install on the server and distribute the client side version in the next mod version it would prove something.
While id bet your trustworthy, the problem with any "secret" is that one person generaly tells someone they can trust. There friend then does the same. Until that secret is in the hands of a person you don't want to know it. That is my concern with releasing the source code to anyone. Note that the 2 closed source dll's are compiled in Delphi not C++ so unless you own Delphi u can't rearly compile it anyway.
Quote:Let me just specify my previous question, I don't know if I put it right. We would need a special server-side version for testing purposes that would completely ignore players without client-side FLASC program, but it would be 100% functional with players who have it installed (including kicking). I would like to create a testing group of players, as large as possible, who would install the client and play FL like they do now, without any changes. Some of us would then try to test the behavior with modded ini files and I would also like to watch the impact on the bandwidth and server's performance. So it would be testing in real-time operation, I know it's not preferable, but I fear we don't have other options to test it with so many players on.
Ah ok, you want people with FLSAC to be kicked and non FLSAC users to not be kicked. Iv modifyed flhook in the setup and source so that when testmode = yes in the flhook.ini it will ignore anyone who hasn't sent a validation packet to the server.
Note: FLHook.ini defaultly has TestMode set to no. Source wise all FLSAC changes to flhook "Should"(I bet iv missed something) be between comments with "HkFLSAC_Begin" and "HkFLSAC_End".