Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Rheinland
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: AP Manufacturing.
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Staff Chief Ballistic Systems Engineer, Daumann Heavy Constructions.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): Descendant of Maltese settlers in fifth generation making their way into Rheinland, Chiavallati spent most of her time on Stuttgart and briefly on New Berlin, during university years and later enterning internship at Daumann Heavy Constructions as assistant engineer. Civil war and unwillingness of dealing with wartime economic upheaval prompted her to move to Nauru and seek employment in the APM with a short-lived contract in Polaris Advanced Engineering, a recently dissoluted subdivision startup. Currently lives off of a hefty fortune she'd received after the company dissolution as one of higher ranked employees.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: To continue the career after Polaris dissolution. Nor I feel like returning to Rheinland just yet.
Recite Our Motto: Power is nothing without control.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: About five years? I sort of stopped counting.
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: Yes.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: Know them like the back of my palm.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 7/10.
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 6/10, no real preference. I am still getting back into it.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: Blame the bearded man for calling me back for fun experience.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Still have my fighter and bomber from Polaris, at least.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: UTC +4.
What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?: I'm already in there.
Have you been sanctioned/banned? If so, provide links.: It's... probably out there somewhere.
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes.