POB Deployment:
Spamming bases is of course, undesired. Part of that is to be addressed by high up front cost of the single base component item eluded to in my most recent vid. So, we're seeking a happy middle ground where bases are easy to understand, approach, and know what you can do with them, but not necessarily spammable.
Refineries: I've discussed with a few folks about needing a minor amount of another good in the ingredients list for Refinery operation and something certainly possible, but was thinking we'd give it a try vanilla at first, we can always tweak the recipe later to require something different or consume "power" (something I've been toying with on the side, but trying not to make bases to complicated too fast).
Also, I'm looking into options for reducing the hundreds of ore entities that float when a miner goes balls to the wall, to address the server strain. Either by making a system where the entities detect more identical entities nearby and combining into a single, or at least less entity crates, or other possible mechanics on the player side of the operation.
Illegal Goods/Economy
In my Refinery vid, I think I mentioned that I want to give factory modules to unlawfuls in the form of drug factories or drug dens, so this part is definitely being worked on to give a decent market share and market activities to these types of factions
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