The voices spoke at unison. An fearful, yet surprised tone undamaged by the passage of time that affected the body. And then there was the vile voice Raven had come to know as the one who suppressed Vincent all this time.
She's here?! She's here?!
She can't see me this way... no - no, NO! She can't see me this way... no - no, NO!
Just keep holding on! Don't let go! Just keep holding on! Don't let go!
I'm trying! I'm trying!
Audible struggle pierced through the pitch black nothingness, eventually reaching Revenant with a swift echo to follow. It was like metal clashed against the ground and cloth was torn apart piece by piece. What would really happen, however, was beyond what she could see.
"Test the sharpness of your sword against another. And when that is not enough, unsheathe your cunning as the hidden dagger that ends the fight."