"Maybe if i... nein, nein that wouldn't work either. Gah. C'mon, think. What could we d-" Oberleutnant Habermeyer snaps to attention without thinking much about it, ending her train of thought right there and then. In her peripherial vision a higher-up was noticed, a second later he stood nearby and screamed at her to do something.
"Jawohl, Herr Fregattenkapitän!" Blinking a few times after Stahl had moved on, Traudel exhales and checks her surroundings, finding her way to cell A2. This was difficult. Most difficult. Traudel's steps lead her down to the brig, passing other personnel aboard the cruiser. Bright blue eyes staring straight ahead, sometimes through other colleagues. Pressure had taken hold of her thoughts, no, her entire being.
"I can't do this. If i do it, i'm done. They'll toss me in there with her immediately - or out the airlock.", thoughts ran wild. On the outside was not much to see, just another Rheinwehr member, maybe a bit tense, going about their day. At this point Habermeyer had developed at least a little bit of experience handling her nervousness and how to mask it.
Having reached the detainment area, Traudel looks around. Taking in the scene. There was a man, most likely Leutnant Kunrad, about to enter the holding cell already. Thick security door opened by him. The only way in and out of the cell itself, with a little slot to push a food tray in. Next to the door, on the typical greenish metal wall, a monitor. Showing a constant live transmission from different angles of the inside. Minimalistic would be an understatement. A single chair and bed, even though the word 'bed' was a very diplomatic way to describe the simple metal plate protruding from the wall exactly across the room - no blankets. Comfort was not even an afterthought, as to be expected from a holding cell comfort was as far away as possible. Aside from the most basic form of sanitary installation to relief oneself the room was barren. Walls of rheinlandic craftsmanship, cold and soulless, all equal to each other, nothing to keep the mind occupied for long.
Staring at the monitor, Traudel freezes for the shortest of moments. Seeing an all too familiar combination of red and black, the only real speck of color in there. For but a moment her eyes are closed, oh what she would give if this was just some other Corsair! Traudel does not step in behind Gunter to follow immediately, instead the pilot remains out of sight and closer to the monitor. "Leutnant Kunrad? Oberleutnant Habermeyer - Fregattenkapitän Stahl sent me to assist with your interrogation."