SPECIES: Human, intentions present to become cybernetically Post-Human
AGE: 32
GENDER: Female
ORIGIN: Planet Houston, Texas, Liberty
PREVIOUS JOBS/SKILLS/AFFILIATIONS: Job: Liberty Police Inc. , rank Police Officer III+1, stationed at Planet Houston, patrol sectors Texas and Virginia.
Skills: Law enforcement, secural and escort of criminals, escort of criminal transport convoys, search and rescue/reclaim/destroy operations, paperwork.
Willing to adjust if deemed more fitting.
(//OOC: Spoilered because very very long)
Well this is the part where I write my fingers off. In the past it was because of paperwork regarding protocol violations, now atleast because for something I WANT to do.
My name is Ryza Forgeworld, born and raised in the wild south east of Liberty, Texas. Life was indeed a rough one where crime is prime and prime payment when it comes to making a living. You either try to beat it with the police, hunters or even navy, or for those that can't or couldn't, join it. But no matter what side you were on, it was a survival of the fittest. I wasn't the toughest girl amongst my peers but I had wit, brains and was a decent runner when needed. I was the kid in school that actually wanted to be ''teacher's pet'' by getting good grades, setting the right example for all the others and yes, that did include me receiving the occasional stitches in my sides, arms and legs if you get what I am saying. Houston was filled to the brim with hooligans, misfits and trouble makers and I wanted to be the one to put them in their place. Behind bars? Not if I could avoid it actually. Just because someone was a bad guy, didn't mean automatically they were ''bad'' guys. Sure, some were indeed the scum that never outgrew their puberty hormone bravado streak, but some simply needed help because they couldn't find a job and thusly turned to crime to pay the bills. I wanted to join Liberty Police not to arrest people (per se), but to save them.
As I joined the force, I quickly, VERY quickly learned that my idealistic view of the police was far from what reality was. Examples are too many to name but to give you the one that shocked me most: they were more interested in hiring the active hooligans who were more interested in applying brute force to the problem in field duty, rather than someone that wanted to do the correct thing with how things are in the book and atleast try and help criminals back into society. True, it was an effective blunt measure to fight fire with legally authorised fire but that merely brought violence to deal with violence, not law and order. And I was given a desk job, handling all the paperwork of the things they did. Considering the kind of cops we are dealing with, the amount extra work regarding codex violations and collateral damage was enough to give any sane person a headache in frustration. After a great deal of working through the red tape and discussions with my superior, I was allowed to do field work.
I finally could do what I wanted to do, help and save people in need. Unfortunately, my co-workers did not give me the recognition I wanted considering I was the ''by the book'' type of cop. The chiefs were more interested in results, not efficiency or the long term. But again to be fair, the actual field work was more so like an outright gang war zone, forcing you to keep it icy unless you are okay with becoming a corpse before your time because you or your college was daydreaming. There were plenty of regular people of the usual calibre that merely did small scores for the quick buck or teen seeking a thrill in the wrong manner, but it shocked me just how greater the number of worst cases actually were around. Outcasts, Rogues, Xenos and the daring Unioner once in a while, their greed and blood lust clearly showed that they had no desire to change and let alone atone. Each engagement was a fight for survival, almost as if the criminals knew that if they were going to fight, between death, getting arrested or fleeing, getting arrested to them seemed like the worst fate.
At first I didn't understand because they could now atleast contribute and potentially eventually reintegrate into society as labourers for whatever profession or corporation was willing to accept them. But then came the dawning horror... The penal labour wasn't meant to be rehabilitative, it actually was the primary income for Liberty Police. The criminals that were brought in were used as cheap labour force so LPI could produce Consumer Goods for a profit, regardless of unsafe work conditions or mortality rate. This was the reason why High Command was more interested in results rather than making sure that crime was slowly purged from Liberty, and the reason why criminals would choose death over incarceration... Crime was the means of profit and status quo, regardless of side, even the neutral civilian Cryer doctor who only did the bare minimum medical care for for officers and criminal alike so they can be squeezed for all their worth. I confronted and tried to whistle-blow my superiors about this. They acknowledged the problem and said they would act.
Unfortunately.... What they didn't mention is who they saw as the problem: me. And they acted in ways to make certain they would get rid of me, regardless whether it meant me quitting the force, being forcefully removed or even becoming K / M.I.A. Sometimes it was simply forcing me to do paperwork, but more often than not they give me assignments with merely the base line info or even ''misjudged / miscalculated info''. As someone who WANTS to do things right, information they the MOST important factor to determine the proper course of action minimize casualties and maximize the safeguarding of whatever I need to do. And this lack of information, has costed more than several civilian lives or vital cargo that I could have saved, not withstanding any blame I have gotten for failure on the given assignments. This callous lack of morality... it quickly jaded my view on humans. If there simply was no greed, no apathy towards what could be but instead unity and transparency so a greater goal could be achieved... What if, the universe was a great machine, indifferent to its components yet each treated equal that a prosperous existence my occur within. That a unity may occur of enlightenment where humanity surpasses it's humanity and reach the fabled ''Freedom from Want''? As a cop, I knew daydreaming was dangerous on the job... But this day dream was far too intriguing to simply waive from my mind.
However, there eventually did come one very special assignment, one that actually had my undivided attention and focus. I and some other colleges were assigned to go on a search and capture mission together with the Liberty Security Force. This... this was an assignment that clearly was far more dangerous and secret than my superiors would ever admit. Normally they would send specialists agents for this but supposedly they were ''understaffed due to a Xeno raid on Sugarland''. Despite it being a clear suicide mission, I could not refuse as it is my duty as a cop to help out wherever needed. According to intel, Lane Hackers managed to capture a M.I.A Liberty Navy officer who was assigned to Omicron Nu for exploration goals. The suspects were last seen in the Newport Anomaly near the Super Gate construction sight. Our squad was send out to meet up with the LSF at St. Albans Shipping Platform. When we met up, they asked how much we knew and I answered honestly. They were satisfied with the answer but I wasn't and demanded to know more about our mission because without proper intel, how can prepare accordingly? The leading LSF captain simply scoffed and stated that I was in no position to question the mission, had no need for classified intel and worst yet, said that ''the less I knew, the better.''. I kept my anger silent for I had an assignment to handle, and thusly went to our destination and find our targets. And find them we did... far more than we anticipated.
Once more did the lack of intel come to haunt me, for the Lane Hackers ambushed US in the cloud. They used their trademark Borderworld-esq ships and yet... the weapons they used were nothing like I ever saw before in my time of service. Bright lights of pure energy that shredded one of my LPI colleges as if his Shield was non-existent. It was too ethereal to be plasma but too unfocused to be lasers and yet too consistent to be tachyon weaponry. A fire fight broke out as it was clear any form of negotiation was not and option, nor did our chances of survival seem high. It were not just the weapons that were different, but the Hacker pilots themselves seemed far more capable, more harmonized and dangerous than any human could ever achieve. As the losing side was clear after minutes, from the clouds did more ships appear and engaged the Hackers. But hope was the first step to disappointment, the new ships on our HUD were not just the colour red, they were Order pilot. They may have been in the smallest group of all present, but it was made it clear by all sides that the enemy of their enemy was also their enemy and the fire fight reached a pitch fever to the point I cannot remember the details of the chaos.
As things finally settled down, cohesion of presence returned. At this point, myself, one Order pilot and two Hacker pilots remained. It somehow ended being a Mexican stand-off of sorts. We were all aiming at the other ships, hesitant but ready to pull the trigger. It was then the Hackers began speaking, but not through the NavComm systems. They somehow directly spoke to us in our minds, saying that we humans are the invading cancer, conquerors of the birthright of that the Dom'Kavash gave to their children. The Order pilot called out to the Hacker calling them ''Wild'' and saying that humans were superior through technology and merely came to settle and it was the ''Nomads'' that attacked first by infecting us from within, just like how they are infected and should be destroyed at all cost. To me, these were revelations of splendour. In a single hostile meeting I learned about topics none would ever dare share with me and gained knowledge likely forbidden to the general populous.
I was ignored by them for being the smallest threat amongst them... but a thought came into my head and unintentionally spoke out loud. ''If humans are truly superior, why are we then so prone to kill one another over mere disagreements and greed? I suspect your word to be true about the Lane Hackers here being forcefully made part of these ''Nomads'', but they seem harmonized in unity from what I hear. Why it not possible to try and live alongside with these ''Nomads''?.''. It appeared that I caught the attention of these ''Wild'' pilots that I showed interest in their perspective, but Death's Hand waits for the slightest lapse in concentration and the Order attacked and destroyed the ''Wild'' pilots without hesitation. I finally had a chance to gather information and about something relevant to my interest and I was denied it. The Order pilot called me insane for wanting to reason with parasites, I flew into a rage and retorted that if indeed they are so dangerous then people should be able to learn about them, but as the final riposte the Order pilot simply said that Nomads and any information about them is dangerous and shouldn't be spread and infact be be destroyed. This meeting could only in either of two ways: One of us, or both of us dead.
I can barely remember the fight considering the state of rage I was in, but in the climax I managed to launch a definitive fatal plasma salvo at the Order pilot.... be he too managed to launch one final blow on my ship with a Mini Razor. He blew up immediately, while my ship was hit directly of the left side of the cockpit causing enough damage for all electronics to burst aflame on that side and crippling my ship inoperable. I was in writhing agony as the fire was burning my left limbs to charcoal and severely burning my left body, but somehow and eventually the life and safety support systems activated to safely extinguish the fire... only to have it been the last action my ship was able to do before the power system failed entirely from the crippling shot. This was it... my ship was to be my coffin. My thoughts were that of the ''Machine day dream'' I had, my life as a cop wanting the right thing but denied all, the rage I had for all other humans for being chained to their base level desire instincts and most of all, the intentional supression of vital information and knowledge so many times that had lead me to these final moments. I wanted to be a functional and efficient component in the greater system, yet the system merely saw me as a metal paperweight best used taped to a police billy club for violence and submission. My death would be restless and full of regrets.
But as my ship was aimlessly drifting in the Newport Anomaly... after some hours if I had to guess, I heard a strange beeping sound. A robotic beeping sound that did not come from my ship. I looked out of the cockpit and saw the most unexpected thing I could imagine. A ship sized, space flight capable robot of sorts. I thought for a moment I was in the afterlife but the horrific 3rd degree burn wounds reminded me I was very much alive. I was intrigued beyond fascination but I knew survival was my primary aim and I needed to study what this giant robot was here for. After I moment of studying how the robot was acting, it just kept beeping at me and soon after I realised it was a trying to communicate with my ship that perhaps send out a post shutdown distress signal. Figuring that the robot was trying to communicate, I tried knocking on my cockpit's window with morse code since this was the closest to binary I could think of to see if the robot reacted. Imagine my surprise when it did. It recognized my language and responded in morse code back. I was simple in my directive: ''Need aid. Repair.''. I was still uncertain if any of this was real, but this robot was machine spirit made manifest as it started to repair my ship without any objection.
My epiphany came to me then. Humans were weak, the flesh was weak, unreliable, unable to adapt and unable mend itself once damaged or broken. But the machine, metal was strong, resilient, shapable and easily fixed or even replaced should it fail. My ship was back online, functionality restored to the point I could fly back to Houston and even identify what this robot was. The drone was classified under the faction IFF of ''AI''. This peaked my curiosity. I am aware that Ageira recently introduced a series of work drones for scanning, mining and repair purposes with preprogrammed AI templates configurable for other companies... but this was an Artificial Intelligence of it's own cloth. I wanted to communicate but sadly was unable to as as soon the AI drone was finished, it stated it's directive was completed and was going to continue it's exploration and research protocol. I was saddened but truly fascinated, a machine that chose to help me regardless of my nature or affiliation, but simply did so because I was to it a component to another system that needs to remain intact for it to function. This solidified my beliefs, that indeed the machine was superior to man.
My thirst for knowledge could still be sated however. I was the sole survivor in this incident and it was clear a search and rescue operation would not happen for a good second. I made my way back to the ambush spot and looted whatever electronic or hardware database systems I could salvage both from my ex-LSF collegues, the ''Wild'' Lane Hackers and the Order ships. After I had gained whatever there was to loot I deemed to my interest, made my way back to St. Albans. I knew I couldn't carry or hide these databases without getting caught, so for once I actually was willing to break police protocol. I simply hired a Universal Shipping courier, and paid quadrupedal with the demand for off the records express delivery no questions asked to my home address. He accepted without thinking twice since it was only two trade lanes worth of travel to the address of a cop. For all the good and bad reasons he knew that refusing is no option here. He made his way, and I made my way too back to Houston. Within mere minutes of me reporting myself alive to my superiors from the planet's orbit, I was immediately send and escorted to a Cryer facility on Huntsville prison.
What followed was mostly a long time of mostly irrelevant things such my medical recovery and me needing to report and explain myself for the massive failure on the operation. However unexpected to me, I was actually was given the benefit of the doubt for once considering all the remains found by the investigation team by the LSF. The undeniable presence of Order and Wild pilots corpses recovered was proof enough that our mission indeed working with insufficient information, staff and gear that the fault of failure lay not with me or my colleges, but higher echelons. Because of my condition, I was honourably discharged for being physically incapable to do my job properly due to loss of limbs and was given a surprisingly good compensation sum for it, on top of the medical insurance. The only fly in this ointment here were the pathetic cheap ass prosthetics I was given to replace my burned and amputated left limbs. They work fine, but they function like trash and often break out of their sockets and need to be reattached frequently. I wasn't kidding about writing my fingers off in the beginning you know.
But now I was free as I truly could be and had all the time in the galaxy to do as I please and and study all the data modules in peace and quiet. And here is where I atleast on a base level learned about Auxesia. I bought myself a small but quality transport for my flight needs instead of a fighter because of my sh!t prosthetics, and made my way to Valravn Citadel in Inverness. As I arrived, I took my time to study everything that there was to learn about Auxesia. Your core fundaments, your beliefs, your ideals... You all seek to create a society where all knowledge should be free, where each individual is indifferent yet valued cogs in a greater machine, seek to unite all under the banner of enlightenment via science and shared knowledge and transcend the weakness of flesh and become something even greater through metal and cybernetics. This... this is everything I could ever ask for and more. I have more than well done my research, I am willing to forgo my old flesh of humanity and replace it with cybernetics completely in time. I want to join the Auxesia.
But obviously I also have studied your various branches, and I saw five of them that drew my interest. Firstly was the R&D department. To me, information and knowledge is everything. To study and learn the known and foreign elements to find ways to improve upon it for either betterment simply efficiency has always been a core desire with me. But the problem is that it (for the most part) requires me to remain stationary on one place or subject at a time, and I seek to broaden my horizons much greater than that. The CSS / TSF also seems right up my alley because of LPI background, but that too requires me to (for the most part) remain within the Inverness system AND lacks the chances to sate my desire for knowledge. Thirdly came the Expeditionary Fleet, which is coming a lot closer to my alleyway I desire, for it would allow me to explore the universe AND do research AND study on the many things known and foreign. The reason it is not my main choice is because the primary focus of this group is cartographic data. While not inherently bad for this (I presume) also includes archaeology, I want to study much deep and much broader. Fourth, the TAF. On first glance they seemed interesting for they are by far the most augmented members of the Auxesia, but I don't think the high responsibility and military expertise are for me. And then I found the branch I saw most fit for me.
My desire is to join the Reclamation Corps. This branch is tasked with the retrieval of high-demand scientific material for the R&D department in far and wide locations alongside with the Expeditionary Fleet. This will allow me to both explore and do research either alone or together with colleges for special operations as a side security member. But perhaps even more important is the retrieval of Auxesia personnel. As a cop, I have seen and experienced both ends of what happens to pilots who are not saved or saved too late. I may have abandoned my life as a cop but not my ideals. If I can make a difference in saving a life by retrieving a M.I.A or be emergency reinforcements in tough situations. And finally, as briefly mentioned before, I can do this alone when it comes to material gathering. Along with Search and Rescue, I also have experience in Search and Retrieve. This way, on my own pace, I can make my way to Omicron Kappa with Tungsten from Holman Outpost (Auxesia is partnered with IMG for the Ice City planet side) because even the grand machination we honour and value need repairs . Furthermore in doing so, I can show them my gratitude that way for having saved my life and perhaps also study and learn from them too. And on the way back, perhaps one AI drone can lend us their aid for mutual interest in study with retrieving Azurite Gas, I bring it the Citadel and the drone back to Gammu. This way both parties can benefit in fullest and my desires will be fulfilled in spades.
I know that this has been a long story in this recruitment file, but I hope that you atleast have a clear view of who I am and what I desire. My life as a LPI cop, my ideals and perspectives in life and my decision in leaving behind my previous life in favour of one with the Auxesia (preferably the RC).
Again my sincerest apolgies and I hope did not bore you with it, but I hope to recieve a responce soon.
-Ryza Forgeworld
DISCORD: Sir_Lemon#6071
However: I will inform you immediately, that even though I do have a Discord account, I pretty much never use it. At this point and already for a long time, I only have it as a formality because of the requirement these days incase of emergency communication.
Why do you want to join the faction? How will you benefit RP and provide fun?: At the moment I almost have atleast one or more characters for each faction, regardless whether they have an official recruitment file or not. Auxesia is one of the factions I don't have one yet, considering it is a full on player faction. Because of said reason, I hereby make this post to request entry into the faction, because it seemed like fun.
My intended desired purpose to provide benefit to the RP, is to be an active transport (1.5K Grouse transport because it looks funny) to provide logistical aid for the Auxesia, and during my travels unless unable due to shipment priority: meet, inform and educate the teachings of Auxesia to those that actively show interest in it themselves. Should I come across an individual however of opposing nature (Order, Core, ect.), I can instead go for a philosophical and vocal clash in mindset, debating each others view points on humanity, the Nomads and the access / restrictions of knowledge that should be available to the general populous of Sirius.