"I have yet to see said use, enlighten me. If anything we are nearing the abrupt end of this unpleasant exchange by the looks of it, swapping it for a far worse fate." She remarks with a sigh towards Gunter, eyes remaining mainly on Nina. "Reconsider your position, if you would. Because bloody it will be indeed otherwise." As with basically any other situation the Oberleutnant was involved in, her interest in having things get out of hand seemed low. Voice still calm, albeit a tonal shift towards the end. Last sentence spoken somewhat resignedly.
"A Rheinwehr cruiser at a place you don't even know. Trained personnel on every corner. Lack of suitable craft to go anywhere, if you even make it that is. Bulkhead doors able to be closed by the simple push of a button several corridors away, cutting off your path and trapping you again. The list of aspects not in your favour is a long one." Traudel tilts her head slightly, one hand wandering to her holster. Remaining there, ready to draw her sidearm. The look she received causes a slow shake of the head. "Don't. This will not go the way you think it will."