The second Stahl returned, Traudel snapped back to attention. She couldn't help it, almost like a reflex at this point. His words to Gunter caused a slight frown, barely noticeable. For the moment she watched on, up until he addressed her. Frown growing bigger, the stoic and blank facade of a stalwart soldier cracking partly - eyes wandering off to the side for a brief second. "Terribly sorry sir, different approa-..."
She does not even get to finish her sentence, instead turning halfway to watch as the prisoners are brought in. A quick glance to Gunter, back to the three unfortunate souls and lastly Nina. From Traudel's expression alone one could easily tell her mind was racing for one reason or another. And whatever she was thinking about - it was far from comforting. Muttering something under her breath. "Another prison...? ... unofficia- ...oh. Oh nein..." Her eyes went wide instantly. "Sir. With all due respect. I highly suggest to consider re-evaluating this approach. I do not think it is the wisest route to t-..."
Interrupted again by Nina's words towards Stahl. They cause yet more reason for tension, forcing the already exceedingly nervous Traudel to swallow once. Bright blue eyes remain on Nina for but a few deeper breaths before they wander over the three recently brought in prisoners. Her expression changes once again. From genuine concern and worry for someone else to cold disgust, regret even, aimed at none other than herself. No doubt for what Traudel was about to do.
With a few deliberate steps, she repositions herself and halfway obstructs Stahl's view of the hot-tempered Corsair. Hoping to be a distraction, even if just for a second, and gloss over what was basically a more than well aimed provocation. "If anything, she is baiting you with that. It is a bluff. A pathetic attempt to undermine your undisputed authority, sir. To sow dissent. No doubt a renowned officer like yourself saw right through it. Your course of action is what i would suggest anyway - show of force, disregard these thinly veiled stabs. They cannot hope to even dent your integrity, sir. She's afraid and grows desperate to buy time for her comrades. You are the one who controls this time."