(12-21-2022, 03:01 PM)Venemon Wrote: Could you provide Starsector forum link to this mod
Starsector playerbase is huge, this will certain attract players from there to here tbh, UAF level details not the anime thing but colorful styles are very similar
tho tbh upon closer look they are more detailed than majority of mod ships, Gammu caps are my favourite, creative and reminds me slugs from FTL
I was thinking majority of Starsector mods are patreon linked, I believe you guys can make a lil bit profit from this too by linking it
but as lore focus it more vanilla wise tbh, thats where majority of freelancer community resides
request note: make also usable bomber with scorchers same one from lion guards bomber :]
I will provide a link to the Starsector forum once the first downloadable version is posted there.
I'll also not do anything related to Patreon or monetarization/donation. If anyone's briefcase feels too heavy, I'm sure the actual developer of Starsector would appreciate any kind of donation or legal purchase of a Starsector key after a certain YouTuber shared his activation key with the whole world.
As for playable bombers, that was not what I had in mind, but I'll see whether I can add one or two playable bombers specifically for this. That being said, with the current balancing, I doubt playing as snub/bomber on a 2D plane would be rather infuriating. Nevertheless, more options is always good.
(12-21-2022, 07:08 AM)Valdorel Wrote: These look absolutely amazing! Looking forward to seeing the Order ones (if you end up doing those.)
While I'm not sure whether people will like the theme I chose for the Order shipline, here it is:
Just like with the Megalodon, it takes the mod of a mod to finally make the Thebes playable...
To reduce the amount of new factions (and thus new markets) to add to the mod, I decided to put Order, Coalition and Red Hessians together as one faction, the Scarlet Crusaders (because, you know, Red, and sort of on a crusade).
I've also added a few utility ships. Behold, the TRANSPORT_CHONK: