Nina had, for the time being at least, the full attention of Herzsprung's orderly. Stun baton at the ready, but seeing as the Corsair opted to sit down he remained in medium distance. Just keeping watch. Even as shots were fired, his attention remained centered on the only one his superior had actually touched so far for some reason.
Traudel however had her hands full with keeping an enraged superior pinned against the wall, while guards from outside entered the cell. Equipped with similar batons as Herzsprung's orderly, they waited not particularly long to put their stunning abilities to good use. The shots had alarmed them, no doubt. They also alarmed Traudel herself, as she frantically pushed even harder against her current target.
For the first time since her arrival, the old hag portrayed another emotion - slight regret about something. Precisely in the moment her own gun lowered again, not firing a shot. "Take him away, he'll be dealth with later. We will rectify the anomaly that was his blatant transgressions accordingly." With that said, she turns around to Nina again. Stopping next to her orderly for a brief moment, issuing some silent commands. Once again the man nods, turns around and nears the commotion. Herzsprung addresses Nina afterwards. "You had a most interesting host, Corsair. I have to admit. Unfortunately he is out of comission now. Means you'll have to make do with me. Tell me... what are your thoughts on your current predicament up to now? I am eager to find out what is inside that head of yours. You may speak now... "