Hate to tell you this, but this community is even worse off since you took your break. The last dev that truly cared about the community and actually took the time to reach out for ideas was personally attacked and ridiculed by other devs and staff. If his idea takes root here then unfortunately it will have somebody else's name on it.
Not only will officialdom probably not be granted to another group unless immediate action takes place within the administration of this community, but it simply isn't worth it. Your initial post has things said since even while you've been in the community. The people that want this community to build and thrive are being sidelined while the clique continues to hold power. You have to subscribe to the circle jerk or else you are a nobody.
My word of advise is, unless you have an idea not thought of yet, it's best not to invest too much into this community. Role play and fly with friends. Anything else just isn't worth it.
I hope that either all of us or none of us are judged by the actions of our weakest moments. But rather, by the strength we show when, and if, we're ever given a second chance.