Traudel takes a closer look at Nina while they are on their way to ... wherever it may be. The path led through parts of the Ostkantone, al the way to a shuttle the little group boarded. One hand kept on the Corsair's shoulder to guide her along, as one might expect from an escorting soldier. Deep down though it was nothing more than one of the only ways to signal some semblance of support and reaffirmation without inviting in more suspicion. Sometimes applying gentle pressure by squeezing said shoulder or moving a thumb up and down. "Eyes front, don't want you tripping..." she mutters, as they enter.
Two armed guards awaited inside the shuttle, something about them seemed awfully off. Eyes emotionless, only moving once to oversee everyone that was still breathing sat down and strapped in properly. Due to being cuffed, Traudel takes care of that for Nina - and uses the chance to whisper some more words. "This might be bad, i'll try my best but... if it goes south no regrets, ja? Life was lived up to here."
The admiral herself nowhere to be seen. Maybe further ahead or in the cockpit, away from the more regular passengers on this flight into the unknown. As the boarding ramp closes and the shuttle takes off, the brief time of captivity aboard the Donau cruiser Ostkantone comes to an end. To be exchanged for the sweet prospect of even more uncertainty.