Traudel must've not been in here before either, as her attention wanders around and takes in the sights. Even now, when faced with gut-wrenching and highly dangerous situations, curiousity partially got the better of her. Especially the bones on display caused a confusing mix of fascination and concern. So much of a distraction, that the single word from the admiral may have reached her brain ... but it was Nina moving to sit down that got Traudel to realize there were more pressing matters. She took the chair located at one side of the table, the middle one. Effectively positioning herself between Nina and Herzsprung. Awkwardly playing around with her own hands, now that she was seated and did not know where to put them. Her lap? No, needed to move them again. On the table? That might be rude. Better back on her lap, neatly folded - waiting like a child soon to be scolded by its parents. Eyes wandering to Nina, giving her a shaky nod aimed at appearing at least somewhat reaffirming. Mouthing but not saying the words 'We can do it'.
Herzsprung slowly turned, looking at both, but only addressing one. "You." Remaining eye zeroing in on Nina. "It is so rare i have guests - and then such illustrious ones at that. There are reports about you, plenty even. Most if not all from Habermeyer here." Her focus shifts for a brief moment, prompting Traudel to stop breathing for the duration. A short moment it may have been, for Traudel it felt like an eternity. Looking at Nina again, Herzsprung continued. "Partake." A simple gesture towards the table. "Oberleutnant."
"Jawohl, Frau Admiral." Getting up somewhat robotic, Traudel walks around the table to remove the covers of whatever dishes might be around. Unveiling different meats, gravy, potatoes as well as vegetables in addition to sliced bread and herb butter. "And while you are at it, let us converse. You are to speak freely. Days like these are rare and therefore to be used."