Traudel appeared to have similar thoughts to Nina by the looks of it, her attention clearly on the food. More precisely the meat that was subject of their conversation in mulitple ways at the same time. Leaning back a bit in her chair to create more distance between it and herself, while eyeing it somewhat indecisive. Herzsprung on the other hand smiled or sneered. Hard to tell. "So quick to dismiss an invitation for some civility. Go ahead, Oberleutnant." Staring Traudel down for a brief moment. "Serve the food and partake. Our exotic guest may choose to follow suit at a later stage." Visibly uneasy Traudel ensures to get a serving of everything on both Herzsprung's plate first and then her own, picking up knife and fork afterwards only to awkwardly wait again for whatever might follow next. The admiral finally sat down, no longer the only one standing. By how it appeared not the most comfortable process, being forced upright no matter what due to her medical corset.
"When there is little to go around, every bit of sustenance becomes a feast. I wonder if that time of yours, constantly running out right now, will lead to the last moments with me being viewed as a blissful gathering, too." Traudel nearly dropped her fork hearing that, fumbles and manages to catch it again only to clear her throat in embarassment. Herzsprung scoffed in amusement. "Knowing what we consume often alters it's taste. Going so far as to spoil our appetite entirely. Give someone that claims to be well versed in such matters a cheap wine and an expensive one, lie to them about which is which ... and see how their perception starts to differ from reality. This ... my dear guest ... is what you are here for." Remaining eye centers on the device she carried. "I have the reports linked to you right here. That and the surveillance recordings from your time on the Ostkantone. We three will enjoy a meal and we will learn whether or not i will lose my appetite for dessert." Looking up and across the table again, this time at Nina. "If there is anything you wish to confess - the time is now. For i am an avid reader and listener. And i so hate to find out about feeble attempts at hiding something."