She frowns. ''She is seeking me. She wants me to be pushed to my limits and forces me to attack her. By doing so, she will obtain a good reason to shoot me down... Damn you!'' She boiled and her eyes clearly showed to the old woman pure hostility and cruelty. Traudel knew Nina but not this part. The corsair began to see red but only had Herzsprung before her. The presence of Traudel was gone.
Her right hand formed a fist and she smashed it on the table to get the attention of everyone within the room. The crimson haired woman stood up and by doing so, the chair was violently pushed to the ground. She walked to Traudel whispering something. ''Take some distance...'' Her voice was empty of emotion but she could guess it would be safer to do what Nina said. Even if she was paralyzed due of the stress and the fear of Herzsprung, Traudel slowly backed off.
''Herzsprung.'' As she called out the admiral, a sadic smile appeared on Nina's lips. ''Gracias for this diner, really. I ate well as you said. However, this is the end of it. You are the worse person I have encounter and...'' She cut her sentence and now looks at Traudel. ''This woman...'' She now looks at the old woman. ''is out of this. You told her why she was nervous. I will tell you why. You see, you are keeping me here, in this room and I asked to go away. Now, I am tired of this place. I will take my leaves and you will let this happen because it will end badly for you.''