Herzsprung breathed in deeply as Nina stood close, simply staring. Savouring every miniscule shift in tension in the room, noticeably less so as the Corsair turned around to instead smash chair and table together. Glasses rolled over, plates and cutlery clacked in protest. Traudel somewhere in the back flinched and gasped. The metaphorical mess had become real. "Don't threaten me with a good time, Nina." Being called disgusting and potentially senile as well as threatened to be slaughtered led to the admiral snickering to herself. "I couldn't have planned a better outcome, for this is the perfect one. I have what i want where i want it. Without me both of you are doomed. As it is in my ... old and disgusting ... hands entirely who finds out what when. Now what i have envisioned for you, my wonderful ticking bomb, is to explode and cause mayhem where i deem it satisfactory."
A gentle pause, allowing the heated situation to simmer down just a tad. "There are some targets my men will not openly engage, yet they are perfectly deserving of such. There are some regions my men will not venture to without proper reason, yet they are of interest to me. There are many things something as ... unique ... as you can be valuable for. Sometimes your presence might be enough, sometimes your guns will have to speak. Whatever some of them may carry you are to keep and use as you see fit, i care not for meaningless trinkets. You'll document them nonetheless."
Traudel had reached the point of complete bewilderement, slowly taking half a step forward. More than that was out of the question, however. "Certain targets might even be within our glorious House we have the honor of existing in. I will not keep my troops from pursuing you, should you run into them. But potential incarceration won't be a long issue to you. Nor the loss of any vessel, as i shall replace or reimburse you in cases like this. You'll be well provided for, as i have no interest in you starving to death or suffering a fuel shortage on any trip." With a lax wave of her left hand Herzsprung added one last point. "And nein, before you ask me ... i have little to no interest in you spying on your Corsair brethren or picking up arms against them. As much as you might dislike the Deterrence, they and the rest remain your people. Besides, i prefer to keep some targets for myself."