Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Rheinland
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Escort at Daumann Heavy Construction
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born on Planet Hamburg to a middle class family. I have spent my childhood reading books as my parents were very strict when it comes to education. Naturally, I have finished school in time and graduated from the University of Hamburg. Upon receiving my diploma, my father got me a stable job at The Ring in New Berlin.
The job I had wasn't difficult as I worked as an accountant. It wasn't very exciting, both me and my close friend that I went to school with decided to get a transfer to a more exciting job, namely as escort pilots. In order to get a transfer we had to go through a special training program. Six months after we passed the training and received a certificate which allowed us to fly as escorts for Daumann Heavy Constructions.
Both of us worked as escorts for four years. Unfortunately, after the Rheinland coup we lost our jobs and were forces to look for one elsewhere. We have been trying to find a proper job with a stable salary for months now, but Rheinland is not in the good state. In order to find a suitable job, we had no other option than to leave Rheinland.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: I am looking for a stable job and The Core really seems like a good place to be.
Recite Our Motto: Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: A very long time.
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: I do.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: I am the Edge World.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 9.99
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: DoubleNova/10 Bombers/Fighters (with MR).
Why do you want to join the The Core?: To shoot people.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Not yet.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: Uganda/Serbia.
What is your Discord ID (mandatory)?: Venkman#9351